Psychotherapy, Psychotherapist, Psychological Counsellor, Counselling Psychologist, Psychotherpist In Mumbai

Dr. Pradnya Ajinkya, Psychological Counsellor - Mumbai India

Dr. Pradnya Jayant Ajinkya
Rizvi Park, E28 Gr Flr, S.V.Road,
Opp Syndicate Bank ATM,
Santacruz (West)
Mumbai - 400054
Off: (022) 2661 5092
Mob: 98925 25314
drpajinkya [at]
Contact Us
Psychological Counseller, Psycho Therapist, Psycho Therapy, Counselling in Mumbai
There are two ways that you can consult me
Face to Face CounsellingFace to Face or Personal Counselling is one of the most effective ways of consultation. In this form of counselling, the session is strictly between the therapist and the client. The talking, listening and the treatment is focused only on the problems of one patient and remain confidential. For Face to Face counselling, prior appointment is mendatory.
Telephonic Counselling
Telephone Counselling is convenient for those who are not able to have face to face meeting. The sessions, scheduled for 50 to 60 minutes, will be conducted over the phone with the therapist. For phone consultation prior appointment is mendatory. You will have to call on particular time and at particular telephone number given to you at the time of taking appointment.
Dr. Pradnya Jayant Ajinkya
Rizvi Park, E28 Gr Flr, S.V.Road,
Opp Syndicate Bank ATM,
Santacruz (West)
Mumbai - 400054
Off: (022) 2661 5092
Mob: 98925 25314
drpajinkya [at]