Dr. Pradnya Ajinkya, Psychological Counsellor - Mumbai India

Dr. Pradnya Jayant Ajinkya
Rizvi Park, E28 Gr Flr, S.V.Road,
Opp Syndicate Bank ATM,
Santacruz (West)
Mumbai - 400054
Off: (022) 2661 5092
Mob: 98925 25314
drpajinkya [at] gmail.com
Our Counselling Services in Mumbai
Stress Management, Sleep Disorder, Family Conflict, Marriage Conflict
Anxiety & Depression Disorder:
 We all occasionally feels sad, low, or anxious, but as the time passes, these feelings pass within certain period of time. The prime symtoms are feelings of anxiety, sadness, loneliness, worthlessness, restlessness, fatigue, irritability, loss of interest in life, thoughts of suicide, persistent pain and agony. All these symptoms interefers with daily life. Depression and anxiety is treatable with counselling, therapy and sometime medicines.
Marriage and Relationship:
 Marriage is a beautiful institution. Marriage gives a sense of belonging, stability, security and responsibility. It brings along with it care, love, togetherness, support, expectations, perseverance and a very important unflinching devotion. But these days, we see a lot of marriages ending in divorce. One complaints of lack of compatibility, understanding, support, infidelity, and the list is endless. The fact is that we are under much greater stress these days. Our work, family and changing society demands a lot from us. One of the basic necessities of any relationship is "communication". We help both the partnes to have healthy communication.
Anger Management:
 Anger is often the outcome of our own unsatisfied desires and expectations. Unfufilment of desires and expectations lead to anger. It is not any out side element that makes us angry. The element that makes us angy is within us. If we can undestand that the anger is the by product of our own way of thinking, we can control it. The basic idea of controling anger is to develop stronger tolerance power. By Psychological Counselling, we infuse the positive thoughts and attitude. We help our clients to take control of his/her mind and make the difference from the root.
Drugs & Alcohol Abuse:
 Drugs and Alcohol abuse causes over hundreds of thousands of death every year across the world. Alchohol causes motor vehicle related accident each year and Drug is being abused by teen agers. People who drink alcohol are more likely to engage in high-risk sexual behavior, have poor grades or job performance, use tobacco products, and experiment with illegal drugs. Alchol and Drugs cause your day to day life financially, mentally, physically and socially. We personally help you to get rid of these problems by designing best suited treatment for you.
Career Counselling:
 Your life and your happiness is based on your career. That's the reason that lot of emphasis is given on choosing the right career. Right career puts you on the success ladder and helps you grow financially, socially and mentally. The three critical factors needed to keep in mind while making career choices are, an individuals interests, intelligence and personality. Career counselling and guidance helps in precisely identifying these three critical factors and help the individual choose the right career path. After assessing the student/individual's capability based on his/her strength, weakness and overall interests a career action plan is drawn along with the parents, student/individual and various career options are discussed.
Suicidal Tendency:
 Suicide is deliberate attemp to end own life. It is defined as an act of self-intentional and self-inflicted cessation of one`s own life. The common causes are major depression, severe sickness, alchohol and drug abuse, social cause such as family conflict, financial problems, love failure, relationship difficulties, marital complications, and many more. Generally suicidal persons are undecided of living and dying. Suicidal tendency is limited to time period. We go through your case personally and create a strategy and design a treatment suited to you.
Stress Management:
 During the course of life, we all, some or other time, feel stress. Being a human, we always think what others think of us. We want to create our spotless image in front of other so that we can be accepted by all. When it doesn't happen, we feel pain, we get angry resuting into stress. In fact stress is a result of our own desires and expectations. We study your life, get to the problem and try to remove it from the root.
Sleep Disorder:
 Sleep Disorder can create more than just sleepiness – a lack of good night sleep can cause accidents, affect your relationships, health, and mental prowess; and make you feel generally “disconnected” from the world. If your sleeplessness is due to any physical illness, you might not have to bother getting your sleep back on track after illness go away, but if you have trouble sleeping on a regular basis, then there is a reason to worry about it. Apart from psychological counselling, we will analyze the results from your sleep study and design a treatment program if necessary.
Feeling of Fear:
 Fear is the devastation for all of us. It prevents clear decision making and undermines good health and well-being. Fear creates anxiety. Fear creates depression. You have nothing to fear except fear itself. Fear makes you distracted, makes you unable to make right decision, makes you start reacting negative, makes you cranky and judgemental and angry. Fear makes your life hell. We go to the root of your fear and decide the treatment best suited to you.
Inferiority Complex:
 Even if being succesful and intelligent, sometimes we feel of lacking something inside. We all one or other time feel inferior to others, but when that feeling takes charge of our behaviour and emotions then it's time to examine our life, look closer into our subconscious and figure out why we feel those weird feelings. It might be the false belief that you have formed in past about yourself. Getting over inferiority complex is not that hard. You just have to dig your past and analyse. Leave it to us. We will dig up your past and come up with the right treatment for you.
Family Conflicts:
 Family clashes are as varied as the people involved in them. The turmoil can result from a workaholic husband, children who are a source of conflict, relatives, in-laws, parent’s lack of consistent parenting skills, and property or financial interests. We all see couples and families are torn apart by verbal, emotional, or physical abuse. Since wisdom from God is the greatest foundation on which we can build lives of love and peace, we will help you to set the things on the right track.
Sexual Addiction:
 Sexual addiction is progressive intimacy disorder characterized by compulsive sexual thoughts and acts. Like all addictions, its negative impact on the addict and on family members increases as the disorder progresses. Over time, the addict intensifies the addictive behavior to achieve the same results. Sex addicts do not necessarily become sex offenders. Moreover, not all sex offenders are sex addicts. Before sex addicts become sex offenders, neccessary step should be taken.
Incest & Molestation:
 Sexual abuse is a traumatic experience, but it doesn't have to ruin your life. Many who have been willing or unwilling victims of incest or molestation have memories which deny them the freedom to live freely without hate, bitterness and resentment, and fear. Yet you can be free and even find forgiveness for the abuser in your heart. We can help you get over the trauma and put your life back on the track.
Grief & Loss Treatment:
 The loss of a loved one is distressing for anyone, but some may find that the grief will not go away or that they need some help to heal and move on. Grief and loss counselling can help people deal with these feelings and find peace. There are many different techniques of grief counselling and not every technique is appropriate for everyone. After analysing the individual case, we will recommend you the right treatment.
Forensic Psychology:
 Forensic Psychology involves applying Psychology to the field of criminal investigation and law. It generally deals with competency evaluation, sentencing recommendation, evaluation of risk of reoffending, testimony as an expert witness, and child custody evaluation. As a whole, it is related to profiling a criminal... Learn more
Dr. Pradnya Jayant Ajinkya
Rizvi Park, E28 Gr Flr, S.V.Road,
Opp Syndicate Bank ATM,
Santacruz (West)
Mumbai - 400054
Off: (022) 2661 5092
Mob: 98925 25314
drpajinkya [at] gmail.com