Psychological Therapist, Family Counselling, Relationship Counselling, Marriage Counselling

Life has always been remained unexpected. Many a times, most of us experience moments when you feel that "something within" is not correct. You feel your Peace of Mind¯ at stake. You feel dejected, rejected, lonely, feared, anxious, depressed, painful, stressed due to Metal Disorder, Social Circumstances, and certain Health Conditions.
Psychological Counselling is a process by which we examine your thoughts, feelings, actions and relationships. With the assistance of a skilled professional, evaluate where problems exist, or where changes are likely to improve your life satisfaction and overall psychological adjustment. You can then learn how to make the changes that are necessary to achieve better life adjustment and satisfaction.
Psychological counselling is not confined, though, to helping people cope with difficulties. Other benefits to be gained include developing creativity, self-expression and finding pathways to self-discovery. By exploring past and present circumstances you can open up to new possibilities, and take control of your lifestyle. Find yourself and be yourself. Psychological Counselling can help enable you to:
- develop more fulfilling relationships
- bring out your creativity and self-expression
- learn to assert your own needs
- renew a sense of purpose in your life
- find paths to self-discovery
- feel happier within yourself
What happens in Psychological Counselling sessions Client and counsellor sit in private and engage in a lot of talking and listening. Each session typically lasts between 50 minutes and one hour. Sometimes just a single session is sufficient for a client's needs, but more usually client and counsellor continue to meet for several weeks or even months. Client and counsellor plan together how often and for how long to meet. Nowadays many psychological counsellors prefer to work with clients over a small number of highly focused sessions and then to offer an "open door" policy. This means that clients are free to return for more sessions if and when they require them, knowing that there is a reliable professional service available and that they will always be made welcome. Couples meet with the counsellor in the same way and may use the sessions to better understand how they communicate and react to each others needs. Many couples find attending alternate individual and joint sessions to be especially helpful.
Find Psychotherapist / Counsellor / Counselor in Mumbai ,Andheri, SantaCruz, Vile Parle, Khar, Bandra.
Dr. Pradnya Jayant Ajinkya
Rizvi Park, E28 Gr Flr, S.V.Road,
Opp Syndicate Bank ATM,
Santacruz (West)
Mumbai - 400054
(022) 2661 5092
98925 25314
drpajinkya [at]